Bob Baker's Book Promotion Blog

How to Make Instant Connections with Authors & Experts

Many people who aspire to accomplish things in life get dejected because they focus on perceived obstacles -- usually in the context of what they DON'T have.

"Sure, I could make a lot more progress with this project," they complaint, "if I only had more money" or "more experience" or "more free time."

(Hint: Proactive people get things done every day with no money, no experience and little free time. So get over that silly hurdle right now.)

Another scapegoat often used is "if I only had more connections ..." -- and that's what I want to address with this post. How do you get people -- especially authors, experts, bloggers, and other thought leaders in your field -- to know about you and even correspond with you?

There are many ways. You can attend their live events and attempt to meet them. You can hire them if they offer consulting services. You can try to have a mutual friend connect you.

Or, you can do what author Debra Atwood did and use a simple technique I call "shining the light on others" to expand your network.

You see, Debra recently bought a copy of my book, "55 Ways to Promote & Sell Your Book on the Internet." In one section I write about how I've connected with a number of prominent authors over the years.

It's a very sneaky and complex method, which I will reveal to you now. Grab a notebook. Here goes ...

I write or record something about a person I admire and respect. It could be a book review, a riff on a recent blog post he or she published, or simply some genuine praise about how the person has impacted my life.

I post this content as either a blog post, an audio podcast, or a video -- depending on what format seems appropriate.

Then ... here comes the sneaky and complex part ... I send an email to the person letting them know that I just posted something about them, and I provide a link to the item in the email. I don't ask for anything in return. I simply post something about them and let them know.

There you have it.

Okay, I guess it wasn't that sneaky or complex after all. The truth is, most effective actions in life are actually quite simple.

Another effective thing smart people do is take action on good ideas when they come across them -- and that's what Debra Atwood did. She took the simple idea she found in my book and used it ... on me!

Here's the email she sent me the other day:

Hi Bob,

I wanted to let you know I favorably reviewed your book on my blog -- and am telling you about it because of the advice contained in your book!

Here is the link:

Thanks for a great book!

Sweet. That's what I mean by shining the light on others to expand your network.

Will everyone you contact respond? No. Will everyone you write about return the favor with a blog post like this? No.

Is this unselfish practice worth doing? Absolutely! It's helped me make many valuable connections over the years - and many of them have grown into rewarding relationships.

Think about it ... then put this practice to good use!

I welcome your thoughts and encourage you to leave a comment below.


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