Bob Baker's Book Promotion Blog

How Will You Handle Criticism as You Grow?

One of the highlights of the movie Spiritual Liberation for me was when Michael Beckwith asked, "Will you be able to handle what they say about you when you start to let your light shine?"

That question hit home with me just last week. And I bet there are times when it has (or will) hit home for you as an author/publisher too.

I'll explain. But first a little background ...

This year my goal is to step things up and expand. To try new things and formats, to impact more people, to crank out more useful resources, etc.

One of the factors that led to this new level of inspiration is my involvement with a mastermind group of local friends in St. Louis. We meet about every three weeks and listen, encourage and inspire each other.

Among other things, my mastermind pals have encouraged me to play an even bigger game, realize my true worth, and step into a greater expression of who I am -- things we should all be encouraged to do.

That led to the launch of my new Virtual Music Coach site last month. And just last week, I sent an email to my whole list about another new way I can serve: a four-week Guerrilla Music Marketing Mastermind & Brainstorming Group project, limited to 10 people.

I wanted to extend that mastermind group vibe I've enjoyed so much to a conference call environment (and charge participants $195 each to be part of it). I was excited about it and a bit apprehensive, wondering what kind of response I'd get.

Here are examples of the types of email reactions I've received:
  • "Great idea, Bob! I'm VERY interested in this. I hope I'm one of the lucky 10!"
  • "Sure. I'm game."
  • "I'm very interested, but I can't afford it right now. Maybe in a couple months."
  • "A little pricey, don't you think?"
  • "I'm very interested, but I don't want to pay. With my experience level, I'd be a great asset to the group. You should comp me in."
  • "This is a terrible idea! I can't believe you would charge people for such a mundane service. I'm tired of everyone trying to make a buck by any means necessary. Take me off your email list!"
Hmmm ...

So, which of these reactions should I pay attention to? Which ones are valid?

The truth is, they are ALL valid. They are very real for each person who took the time to respond. Each one represents that person's reality.

So, as a creative person stepping out to try something new, how do I handle this variety of opinions?

Actually, I honor them all. But I have no choice but to focus my efforts on the people who see the value and resonate with my message.

I read, respect and consider the other responses. But I don't allow them to take hold and create fear and limitations in my thinking. I won't water down my ambitions or lower my prices on this particular offering (since I have tons of no-cost and low-cost resources that make up for it).

The real question is ...

How will YOU handle what people say about you when you start to let YOUR light shine?

By being scared and apprehensive? By playing small so you don't offend anyone?

Or ... by being the empowered author and book publisher that you are!


P.S. As it turns out, all 10 music mastermind slots have sold out.

Question: If I offered this same marketing mastermind group concept for authors, would you be interested? See how I set up the format for the music group here. And let me know what you think.

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