Bob Baker's Book Promotion Blog
13 Author Radio Interview Tips
So you've just booked an interview on a major radio show or podcast. Congratulations! Your voice and message about your book will reach hundreds or even many thousands of listeners. This interview will make a huge impact!
Or will it?
Make the most of your radio and podcast interviews by being prepared. Here are 13 of the best tips I found from three different sources.
1) Disable call waiting: dial *70 first and then call the studio number. This disables call waiting for the duration of the phone call. As soon as you hang up, it will be reactivated.
2) Smile, smile, smile! Whether you are on radio or TV ... SMILE. You'll feel better and sound a lot more interesting too.
3) Know exactly how much time you will have on the air as a guest. Three minutes or 30 minutes? You want to tailor your answers to the time allotted.
4) Practice some prepared sound bites before the interview. Communicate your main points succinctly. Practice this out loud.
5) Don't oversell. You have been invited to provide useful information to the listening audience. Limit yourself to two mentions of your book. It takes finesse but you can do it. And often times the host will do this for you and you won't even need to mention it.
6) Have three key messages. Short ones, not sermons. Sometimes the host opens the door, other times you have to answer a question and segue to a key message. A compelling message will have the host asking for more. But even if you squeeze in only one or two, you'll get a big return for the time invested.
Source: Scott Lorenz
7) Try to avoid doing interviews using a cell phone or a headset. Both are unreliable.
8) Submit suggested questions ahead of time, and focus on giving your best answers to the questions you have provided.
9) Compliment the host when a good question is asked: "That's an excellent question" or "I'm glad you asked that." It also helps to draw in your audience.
10) Use the interviewer's name in conversation. It creates a more intimate connection that the audience feels privy to. And it makes the interviewer feel good too.
11) Have a glass of water handy (at room temperature). When your throat is lubricated it's easier to talk. Plus, the water serves as a "cough button" if needed.
12) Try standing while you speak -- even for a phone interview. Your voice will carry further and you'll sound more animated.
13) Get your listeners involved. For example, before a commercial break, ask them to get a pencil and paper to write down the three tips you are about to share. Then they'll have something to write with when you give out your book title, web site, or phone number later.
Source: Joe Sabah
I hope these 13 tips help you make the most of your next interview!
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Or will it?
Make the most of your radio and podcast interviews by being prepared. Here are 13 of the best tips I found from three different sources.
1) Disable call waiting: dial *70 first and then call the studio number. This disables call waiting for the duration of the phone call. As soon as you hang up, it will be reactivated.
2) Smile, smile, smile! Whether you are on radio or TV ... SMILE. You'll feel better and sound a lot more interesting too.
3) Know exactly how much time you will have on the air as a guest. Three minutes or 30 minutes? You want to tailor your answers to the time allotted.
4) Practice some prepared sound bites before the interview. Communicate your main points succinctly. Practice this out loud.
5) Don't oversell. You have been invited to provide useful information to the listening audience. Limit yourself to two mentions of your book. It takes finesse but you can do it. And often times the host will do this for you and you won't even need to mention it.
6) Have three key messages. Short ones, not sermons. Sometimes the host opens the door, other times you have to answer a question and segue to a key message. A compelling message will have the host asking for more. But even if you squeeze in only one or two, you'll get a big return for the time invested.
Source: Scott Lorenz
7) Try to avoid doing interviews using a cell phone or a headset. Both are unreliable.
8) Submit suggested questions ahead of time, and focus on giving your best answers to the questions you have provided.
9) Compliment the host when a good question is asked: "That's an excellent question" or "I'm glad you asked that." It also helps to draw in your audience.
10) Use the interviewer's name in conversation. It creates a more intimate connection that the audience feels privy to. And it makes the interviewer feel good too.
11) Have a glass of water handy (at room temperature). When your throat is lubricated it's easier to talk. Plus, the water serves as a "cough button" if needed.
12) Try standing while you speak -- even for a phone interview. Your voice will carry further and you'll sound more animated.
13) Get your listeners involved. For example, before a commercial break, ask them to get a pencil and paper to write down the three tips you are about to share. Then they'll have something to write with when you give out your book title, web site, or phone number later.
Source: Joe Sabah
I hope these 13 tips help you make the most of your next interview!
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